Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Truth About Wall & Associates

The Truth About Wall & Associates:

These guys are crooks.  The IRS will talk to you and work with you to pay your taxes.  You can talk to them directly.  You don’t need these people; they’re like the government, they’re just taking your money.  They have been on TV and radio telling how they can save you thousands in taxes by negotiating with the IRS on your behalf.

Let me tell a short story of how that works.

My parents, let’s call them Mr. and Mrs. Jones, for purposes of anonymity.  They picked up a windfall of money from natural gas royalties and didn’t set enough aside to pay all the taxes. Basically, at 73 years old, they weren’t accostomed to handling those amounts of money and didn’t know what to do for taxes.  After two years, they were nearly $20,000 behind and the money spent paying off a mortgage and car loans.  They saw the ad for Wall & Associates and, after a phone call, signed an open-ended contract for W&A to represent them to the IRS to reduce the amount of taxes owed.

They made an initial down payment of $500 to get the contract and $2,000 with the contract.  Then they paid W&A $300 per month for the next 18 months for total payments of about $7,500.

The first W&A case worker took all their information over the phone in March.  They then reestablished contact in July, asking that all tax, income and asset records be scanned and sent via email.   This was done.

Then another W&A case worker, assigned a few weeks later, requested the same.  And then a few weeks later, yet another W&A case worker...

Meanwhile, nothing was done except the IRS found the Jones’ in default of their agreed-upon payment plan because W&A told them not to talk to the IRS, not to worry about any letters, not to do anything.  As it is, the Jones’ have also racked up several thousands of dollars in interest and penalties due to inaction and poor advice by Wall & Associates.

Now, 18-months and $7,500 later, Wall & Associates made no progress with the IRS but still wanted a $300 per month payment.  I ended that by negotiating with the IRS myself on behalf of my parents.  The $7,500 stolen by Wall & Associates would have paid off almost half of the amount owed for taxes.