Thursday, May 9, 2013

Response to Jason Pederson, Part 2


Thanks for reading my blog.

Your comments on my writing are duly noted and will be considered and applied to my future work.

I'm sure the irony of my approach in my first post was not lost on you: To be publicly humiliated at the beginning and end of the piece without any recourse, because it is a one-way street.  I hope it gives you some understanding of what you're doing to Mr. Hausler.

In a previous statement, you called Mr. Hausler’s unadjudicated case a “Texas technicality.”  By saying so, you’ve just told me, and everyone, that you knew he didn’t have a conviction on record and that you intentionally reported that he does.  You lied to your viewers.  Shameful.  If you have to lie about it to make it a story; it’s not a story.
Now, let's discuss Isaac Barger.  I know this guy, and I've known him as long as I've know Mr. Hausler.  He's a reactionary, hot-headed hick with, as you agree, an agenda.  I do not use my real, full name with you because I fear for my family where Barger is concerned.  I'm sure you don't know the full extent to which he has persecuted Mr. Hausler and his family.  Your involvement is only the latest in a long list of hateful actions that has been going for more than three years now.  Barger would not blink an eye at utterly destroying you and your family, me and my family and anyone else he thought deserved it based on his own skewed principles.  He's just the kind of cowardly sociopath who'd not hesitate to throw a molotov through my bedroom window if he couldn't get some other idiot to do it for him. I don't need my wife or family living in the shadow of that kind of threat.  At  the same time, I can't step aside and let you blithely denounce and crucify Mr. Hausler when you clearly don't know all the facts.
Sure, you have stack of documentation three-inches high.  But you also know, they never write down the things that were done right.  The good deeds don't get documented.  And we all know  the police are better trained than anyone when it comes to lying to cover their own sorry asses.

Here’s what I know from personal experience:  (You’ll understand if I don’t put names with these anecdotes based on what you’ve done.)

The man spends his Sabbaths (Saturday) studying the Torah.

An elderly couple was low on firewood for heating a few winters back.  The old man had the flu and was unable to cut wood.  Being on a fixed income, they could hardly afford to pay $75 or $100 for delivery or worse, use electric heaters and pay that bill.  When Mr. Hausler heard this from a neighbor, he spent his Sunday cutting firewood, a full truckload of which he delivered to the couple, refusing to take any money.  I was there; I helped him unload it.

A young couple with two children had a family emergency in Austin, Texas.  They had no decent vehicle to drive on such a long trip.  Mr. Hausler let them borrow his late model diesel Excursion.  On the return trip, the husband mistakenly filled the tank with gasoline.  They used the last of their money to have the gas pumped out and the tank filled with diesel.  They were flat broke when they returned the truck.  Mr. Hausler “anonymously” put three $100 bills on the dash of their car so the family wouldn’t have to go a week without food and fuel.

A mutual friend had to put a roof on his house after a leak caused considerable damage.  That husband, running short on funds, was attempting, alone, to remove all the old shingles and install the new roof.  Mr. Hausler took a day off from his own job and brought his tools and a helper to the man’s house and helped him finish the roof.  At the end of the day, when the man with the new roof tried to pay Mr. Hausler $50, he refused it, saying, “Don’t worry about it.  One of these days I’ll need some help, or somebody else will.  Help me; help them.  Just pass it on.”

That’s the guy I know.  Thomas Paine once said:   " The only thing required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."  I can’t, in good conscience, stand idly by while evil is perpetrated on a good man.

1 comment:

  1. Jason, if you read this post too you should know that Mordekai is not Mr Hausler. The generous, kind, honest, family man described above is the Mr Hausler I know as well. You should know that you are hurting a very sweet family to try to create a story. Mordekai, thanks for standing up for him and giving the rest of the story.
    Mama Hen
