Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Response to Jason Pederson

I’m writing this in response to Jason Pederson’s May 8, 7 On Your Side piece on Jerry Don Hausler called Delayed Justice.
I’ll say this up front; You’re an idiot, Pederson.
This story is nothing more than rumor mongering and self-aggrandizing sensationalism.
If you’d done your job as a journalist, Pederson, you’d possibly have uncovered the real facts in this case and might have even been able to help someone who is being abused by the system and targeted by law enforcement to cover up their own incompetence.  Instead you chose to help yourself by going after the sensationalism and effectively convicting Mr. Hausler without a trial.
Even your headline is a lie.
And now I’ll back that up with facts.
First and foremost, Mr. Hausler has no criminal conviction.  If you’re not familiar with delayed adjudication and how that process works, maybe you should let someone who doesn’t have an agenda report this story.  Or better yet, drop the story because it no longer fits into your career-making, self-promotion file.
The State of Texas had Mr. Hausler on probation for 10 years, starting 25 years ago, during which he fulfilled all the requirements of his probation while the adjudication of his case was in limbo.  (Somehow, you failed to mention that he’s been out of court for 25 years and off probation for 15.)  Once Mr. Hausler fulfilled his obligations and requirements, 15 years ago, the case was allowed to simply die:  He has no conviction on record.  Do I need to repeat that?  I think I do: Mr. Hausler has no conviction.  The only lingering stipulation of his probation was that he register.  
Since that time, he has registered and fulfilled all his obligations, cooperating fully with law enforcement in every way.  Jerry Don Hausler is proof that the system can and does work. I’ve known him for 10 years.  He’s one of the good guys.  He works hard, provides for his family and tries to be a positive influence on those around him.
You did manage to get at least one fact right:  This case has been lingering in court for three years.  (Do you think Mr. Hausler’s right to a speedy trial has been violated?)  Now, if Mr. Hausler was the awful, evil, horrible, bad guy you’re making him out to be, then you’d think the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office could make a case in three years.  That they haven’t yet made a case really points to the fact that the VBC sheriff's office screwed up badly.  And they know it.  Did you bother to ask the court why this case has been delayed every time it comes up?  Because they have nothing.
Nothing but hearsay and rumor.  Because of your source.
Your source (Isaac Barger) is nothing less than a scorned woman and a spiteful bitch.  That you fell victim to his line of vindictive hatred speaks very poorly of you.  Barger is an accomplished liar and master manipulator. In my opinion, Barger’s repressed homosexuality and unexpressed desire for a physical relationship with Mr. Hausler turned him into a vengeful little punk who not only convinced you that this was a just cause; he’s also the reason the VBC sheriff’s office started this fiasco in the first place.
Barger has actually worked very hard and very long to defame, demoralize and force the entire Hausler family into a state of destitution. He’s targeted Mr. Hausler’s wife and children as well as Mr. Hausler himself with his vengeful and spiteful acts.  In other circumstances, he’d be labeled a stalker.  You, Pederson, led your news organization to aid Barger’s vendetta against Mr. Hausler and his family.  You should be ashamed to make such a rookie mistake.
That might be enough editorializing for now.
Let’s get back to some facts.
Did you know that your source, Isaac Barger, was forced by police to return a stolen tractor to Mr. Hausler? I’m guessing that didn’t come up when you interviewed him.
That’s a fact.
Based on hearsay evidence and rumors, Mr. Hausler has been arrested three times.  Last year, he was arrested by the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office, held for two weeks and denied bond.  Denied bond.  Only to be released by the judge, once it became clear they had no reason to hold him.  Even murderers get out of jail on bail!  (A real news organization might find this newsworthy, so I’m going to send it to Channel 11.)
If you've read the Civil Suit against the Mason's where all this allegedly went down, and I have no doubt you had it supplied by your source, once again you're falling victim to people who are willing to lie for personal gain (money.)  If you'd done just a little more research, you'd find Mr. Hausler was actually tried for two counts of indecency with a minor and was not convicted. No conviction. The courts did not convict this man.
But you already have.  That makes you part of the problem.
Your so-called news piece is nothing less than a huge injustice to Mr. Hausler and his family.  The fact you’d put a man and his family through something this awful based on hearsay and rumor tells me, and everyone who reads this, exactly what kind of asshole you are.
And you’re an idiot, Pederson.

(You can delete this, but I will post it and re-post. In social media, it will never die. )


  1. As far as I can tell, this is your first foray into blogging. Keep it up. You will improve.
    The story you are so eager to discredit was far from my first effort. While certainly not infallible, I will trust my 20 years of experience over your out-the-the-box name calling. If I was as sloppy and agenda-driven as you claim I would have been sued, fired or both a long time ago. My bosses have great confidence in what I do and how I do it...that is why they allow me to do it. We have a stack of research and records three inches high relative to this case. I know far more than I wish I knew about it. Much of it is not pleasant reading. Does Isaac Barger have an agenda? Of course. So does every person who contacts a news organization. That is why a reporter must independently verify everything a source says...which I did. If I messed up, I'm sure Mr. Hausler will be giving his attorney some more business. Your loyalty to Mr. Hausler (assuming you are not Mr. Hausler) is admirable but in my opinion clouding your judgment.

    Jason Pederson
    KATV Channel 7

  2. To whom this may concern, my name is of no importance. I will address Mordekai. Speaking FACTS of which JD Hausler’s loyal puppet so wishes to address, I can and will confirm that this faggot Hausler did molest me and ten other boys at the Masonic Home out of his” lack of impulse control” as were his words. As to the idiot that seems to be screwing Mr. Hausler himself. What, who, and where did you get your information from? You must be writing a biography on how to correctly molest kids and get away with it, which he didn’t. He was found guilty of all charges and did ten years of probation which is fucking ridiculous. If you had done your homework, you’d find that he was on probation and registering as level 3 sex offender for SEXUAL ASSAULT. Last I checked, that doesn’t happen when you’re found innocent. He was found again after that for not registering as a sex offender and having a gun by a convicted felon. I’m sure his right to a speedy trial was put off by all the excuses his lawyers drew up for him. Did I read this correct when your retarded ass said that the hearsay and rumors that Pederson put him and his family through something so “awful”? You must be really skewed in your understanding of this man. Your blind loyalty is sickening! What he and his family have been through is nothing compared to the lives he destroyed. Seems you may have been the one hoodwinked by a liar and master manipulator and it isn’t Mr. Barger!
